This is a new website for Quinchat Rods LLC. The current site,, will be closed Dec 31, 2023.
This cutters geometery is desgned to slice upward on the enamel edge and nearly eliminates feathering. The originial cutter sliced down on the cane and tended to roll over the enamel edge and cause feathering and long stringers. Included with the cutter is an entrance shoe hold-down to replace the grooved roller. The shoe holds the strip within a few thousands of the cutting action. This video shows the close proximity of the shoe's toe to the cutter. Hence the upward cutting can not lift the strip.
The link below Is an exerp from the operator manual which decribes the setup and use the shoe on the DCM.
Owners of my Bench-Top CNC and the Programmable Cane Mill can also improve the performance of their finish mill with the shoe/positive rake cutter combination. It can probably be adapted to any router based finish mill.
The cutter can be supplied in hex, penta or quad configuration.
Entrance Shoe Hold-Down System